Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A Return to the Blog (?)


How have you all been? It's been a few years. I've been through a lot. I'd wager we've all been through a lot considering how the last few years have played out. I have missed you. I've missed chit-chatting about games. This blog has sadly been a place for random ideas and nothing concrete has come of it in a while. I miss my weekly rants, but especially my "Week in Review" column where I could muse about my weekly dalliances and accomplishments. It was a fun way to give random snippets of thoughts about current games I've discovered or revisited. 

So what is this? Am I coming back or is this merely a tease? Honestly, I don't know. I just have the creativity bug biting me and I turn once more to TOP Gaming Blog to scratch that annoying itch it has left behind. I suppose we shall see how far it goes. If it goes no where at all, let me at least catch you up. 

I started this blog almost 10 years ago when I had just moved to Maryland from Hawaii and was looking for an outlet to practice writing and (to some extent) meeting my own personal deadlines. It had a good run, but it fell mostly to the wayside after 2 years. I recently moved back to Maryland from Hawaii (again) so perhaps that's why I've decided to check in and dust off the old writing stomping grounds. 

I'm talking to you.
I quit Final Fantasy XIV two years and two months ago. I keep track as if I am an addict, and perhaps I am. Since then I've hit quite a backlog of single-player games and stayed fairly clear of the dedicated, multiplayer time-sinks. Along that journey, I fell in love with quite a few games I'd love to deep dive into, including but not limited to NieR: Automata and the Yakuza franchise. I've actually spent a little over a year playing Yakuza 0 to Yakuza: Like a Dragon (including Judgment & Lost Judgment) and I have a lot of thoughts on the entire series to share. And I do mean a lot of thoughts. 

Let's see what the future brings. 

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